Your Spirit, Level Two

This class is designed to follow “Your Spirit 101.” In Level Two, we will be working at a deeper level with the “inner landscape,” including some of the equipment that your spirit needs. We will look at cleansing & preparing the Seat of Dominion. We will work on the synergy of spirit portions with each other, and hidden treasures. Each week there will also be time for coaching that is specific to individual experiences in the class. Our goal is to deepen and solidify your relationship with your spirit, and to release your spirit into all that God designed.

Course fee: $375

The class is limited to eight people. Each class will meet weekly for eight 90-minute sessions. All the classes are recorded & are available to download.

Upcoming class sessions:

Saturdays at 12 noon EST, beginning May 18, 2024.

Please note that there will be no refund given after the first class.

Testimonies from “Your Spirit Level Two”

I was introduced to Arthur Burk and SLG during the lockdown for Covid and found many great blessings. I have taken all the classes that Cynthia offers up to this point. I took “Your Spirit 101,” “Your Spirit and Your Heart,” “Your Spirit and Your Brain,” and just completed “Your Spirit Level Two.”

I have enjoyed each of the classes and I have met some amazingly spirited people. I have grown by leaps and bounds through every class just by realizing all things are possible and we have many more avenues to explore. Through Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God our Father, our human spirit can do so many things, beyond so many limits.

“Your Spirit Level Two” has been the class that has challenged me the most, in which I have experienced the most growth. I have come to realize that I have a spirit that loves to take risks and doesn’t like to wonder “what if.” I am redemptive gift of Ruler with a strong Prophet and through some amazing shopping experiences, I learned that I have a strong Giver also.

I am still working to recognize the abilities of each portion and planning on strengthening each one to the fullest. I am looking forward to the future and all the possibilities.  -Tonia J., Your Spirit Level Two 

Following the prayer for Mercy, a lot came up for me... I spent nearly 2 weeks in tears almost daily. A lot of the issues that I was certain I had dwell with were coming back when I had thought I had already forgiven and moved on. 

I didn't realize that somehow I was still holding on to childhood pain that no longer served me in any way... Now I feel a lot better and will keep releasing as issues come up especially from childhood. I have gotten a lot of healing through this process as evidenced by me freely wishing my father a happy birthday after not having engaged in any conversation with him in the last year. Our relationship has been more than complicated but I try to do my part as the bible teaches me: to honor him. I thank God every day for giving me the strength to walk according to his words. 

Thank you so much for this class that impacted me more than I even imagined it would.  -Sadia A., Your Spirit Level Two

When I look back and evaluate these classes, I see that my spirit has grown so much. Recently, I had an experience that came out of what I learned about my spirit. In my spine, one particular spot has had intense pain for a while. Initially I thought it was because of work, and I took some chiro sessions.

In the class, Cynthia had explained to us that the different vertebrae in our spine parallel things like the Redemptive Gifts and the Five Levels of Holiness. So then I counted the vertebrae and I thought that the pain might have something to do with my birthright or office.  When I checked with my spirit, I felt like I was discerning a black hand attaching a device in my spine, looking like an internet modem with antennas and some wires. I asked Jesus to remove this, and I felt like the good Lord did that. The pain completely disappeared. Now I am completely pain free in that spot. Thank you, Jesus!  I still don’t understand the spiritual dynamics behind all that, but I now am free from one more thing!   -José H. from Your Spirit Level Two

When I took Your Spirit 101, my human spirit was introduced to my soul and body and it was a surprising, but positive experience. As I invested more effort and time in interacting with my spirit, it became easier and it felt like my spirit was more confident in expressing messages to me. Additionally, the Bible has become more vivid as I read or listen to various passages. Now, in the Your Spirit Level Two class, I am receiving tremendous pay-offs!” — Annie W.

A healthy spirit conquers adversity, but what can you do when the spirit is crushed?

Proverbs 18:14